Websites That You Didn’t Know Were Created with Wordpress

Websites That You Didn't Know Were Created with Wordpress
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WordPress: the world’s most popular Content Management System (CMS). By most popular, we mean it: read on and be shocked by the websites that you didn’t know were created with WordPress.


The Walt Disney Company

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You read that right: the Walt Disney Company hosts a stunning WordPress website with a stock ticker that updates whenever the prices changes. Events and financial documents in the form of PDFs are also well-designed features of the site.


Katy Perry

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Nothing proves that WordPress is the most popular CMS than the fact that world-famous pop star Katy Perry uses it to host her website. The site features dates of her upcoming tours and has a shop section for fans.


Harvard University Graduate School of Design

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This site is a classic example of good user experience, with a simple navigation bar and easy access to all pages of the site. Various portfolios of scrollable sliders appear throughout the site.


We’d love to see more WordPress sites that we didn’t know about in the comments below!


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