3 Tips to Boost Your Pinterest SEO

3 Tips to Boost Your Pinterest SEO
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Your might not have a website, and are instead running your Pinterest page in the meantime. Or perhaps, you have both and are just using Pinterest to increase more organic traffic. Regardless, here are three tips for boosting your Pinterest SEO to benefit your business. 

1. Avoid hashtags

Unlike other social media sites, Pinterest does not encourage using hashtags in pins. Instead, carefully select words to describe your pins without the use of hashtags. On this site, users like seeing good descriptions for images. Reserve using hashtags for sites such as Instagram and Facebook. 

2. Choose the right username

If you have just created your Pinterest page and trying to decide how to optimize your biography, start by choosing the perfect username. Your name should be audience-friendly and simple to type. Additionally, pick keywords carefully so users will be more easily able to find you. 

3. Verify your account

Similar to other social media tools, Pinterest allows you to verify your account. Especially if you are a business or influencer, a red check mark next to your account username will attract users. In addition, you will appear more trustworthy.

Need help with your website’s SEO or social media? Contact us today to find out how we can help.