The Ultimate SEO Checklist for Your Small Business

SEO Checklist
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1. Figure out what your customers need

Entrepreneurship is about solving consumers’ problems. By figuring out what your customers need to make their lives easier, you can create applicable marketing content for your brand.

2. Fix SEO Technical Issues

Most major content management systems offer SEO analytics for your website. Pay special attention to these, as they will give you information about whether your content is organized and of high-quality. The better your analytics scores, the better your website’s SEO.

3. Mix Paid and Organic SEO

Social media marketing, when implemented correctly, is guaranteed to help you organically grow your target audience. However, paid advertisements through PPC (pay-per-click advertising) can also help attract your perfect customers. Check out Google AdWords to learn more about SEM.

Need to integrate organic SEO into your business? Contact us today to find out how we can help.