3 Ways Audits Can Boost Your Site’s SEO

SEO Audit
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You’ve heard of the term site audit, but perhaps you’ve never run one on your own website. In web development terminology, site audits are also known as web crawls. Here are three ways that site audits can help boost your website’s SEO.

1. It tells you your loading speed

Site audits usually tell you what percent or grade your pages load at. Today’s users value time over everything. Therefore, finding out what your page load speed is through a site audit can be highly beneficial to your business.

2. It analyzes your target demographic

User testing is generally the most popular way of discovering your site visitor analytics. However, site audits can also help you discover who your target audience is. In addition, these audits can help give you information on what sites your visitors like to visit related to yours. You can these use this information to craft a strategic campaign.

3. It tracks down unoriginal content

Sometimes a bad SEO audit score can mean that your site’s content is not original. Therefore, you should look at the listed underperforming pages and make adjustments as necessary. Some examples of original content include creative posts and new illustrations, while unoriginal content is not creative or new.

Need help with your website’s SEO? Contact us today to find out how we can help.