SEO Mistakes (And How to Fix Them)

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1. Linking Errors

We’ve all seen the 404 error page, and we dread it. So will your customers. By double-checking every link to make sure every page is as it’s supposed to be, you can ensure that your visitors won’t be annoyed by small mistakes on your website.

2. Creating Content for No Reason

Creating content for content’s sake won’t get you far in the game of SEO. Customers can tell when a business is marketing to them versus helping them solve a problem or giving them knowledge about a particular topic. Gauge this to your advantage by creating content centered around a message or cause that your business truly cares about.

3. Wrong Keywords

While the right keywords can help your business’ website rank high on search engines, the wrong ones can mislead your customers and decrease sales. Be sure to select keywords that fit with your business’ topic, message and target audience.

Need to fix SEO mistakes in your business? Contact us today to find out how we can help.