Tips for Nonprofit Websites

Nonprofit Website Tips
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Do you run a charity? Are you considering starting a charity website? If both are true, then you’ve come to the right place. Today, we’re giving you three tips for nonprofit websites. 

1. Add a donate button to the menu bar

The primary goal of a charity should be to fundraise enough money to benefit those in need. Therefore, a donate option is highly important. Be sure to add a prominent donate button in your menu bar so visitors can quickly make a donation.

2. Make a mission statement page

People donating to your cause want to know where their money is going and how it will impact those in need. Therefore, make a mission statement page that is either on your homepage or easy to access from the menu. Your donors will appreciate the transparency of information.

3. Add a photo gallery

Donors will also want to know how you are directly involved in helping those in need. If you have pictures of your charity team helping out those in need, then add those to your website. They will add a colorful and human touch to your charity website that donors will enjoy.

Need help with your website? Contact us today to find out how we can help.